Pricing Strategy Consultants | Leigh Lawry Accountancy - Cowbridge

Pricing Strategy Consultants

Product and Service Costing is about knowing your cost structure. Knowing how much to charge in order to make a profit is essential if you are to remain in business. Our Pricing Strategy Consultants provide costing services that will help you avoid the disastrous impact of getting your costs wrong.

How our pricing strategy consultants can help you

Our accountancy team will map exactly where your money is spent. As a result, we can help determine the minimum price you should be charging. We also work with you to identify the most costly areas of the business. A business improvement programmes is provided that show how to further reduce costs. We can then used this to enhance your profitability and competitiveness even more.


Many businesses sell a product or service at a price they believe to be profitable. However, this price doesn’t always cover all the costs their business faces. As a result, their business is making a loss and they don’t know why.


Our accountancy team will visit your site to review your end to end process for a particular product or service. We produce a comprehensive report detailing the cost structure of your product/service. The report highlights what cost can be removed and where profit can be increased.  We also offers recommendations on other areas of the business. We identify where excess waste can be reduced and where opportunities for improvements exist.


  • Increased profit
  • Elimination of loss making products/ services
  • Enhanced operational efficiency
  • Identification of capacity constraints and bottle necks
  • Focus effort on profitable work/ customers

Get in touch and start making money not losing it.