CMS & Sons Limited - Leigh Lawry Accountancy

CMS & Sons Limited

The Challenge

Develop a new organisational structure which enables the company to effectively cope with its recent rapid growth, but also allow it to manage the continued future growth it envisions.


CMS & Sons Limited is a family run business incorporated in 2006. They provide work wear and team wear to businesses and sports clubs throughout Wales and the UK.

Over recent years they have experienced significant growth. This has put pressure on their existing systems and the flexible management style adopted. As the traditional way of working is not suited to current volumes of work, they are experiencing operational challenges in maintaining their high levels of customer satisfaction and sufficient cash flow to fund future growth.


  • Process map analysis of high level systems
  • Review existing organisational structure, duties and responsibilities
  • Develop desired future organisational structure


  • Moved away from the existing flexible management structure and replaced it with a formal one
  • Aligned key process responsibilities to the new organisational structure
  • Clear accountability and hand over points for each element of work
  • Better visibility of operational activities and responsibility for improvements / problem resolution
  • Standardised organisational structure better suited to manage future growth


  • Each employee has a clear understanding of their duties and responsibilities
  • Clear line of reporting for any issues
  • Less management time taken up explaining daily work tasks and objectives
  • More work on value add activities
  • Ability to add additional resource within the existing structure to manage future growth
Leigh came in and went through our current procedures, the various strengths of the directors and helped us put in place a new system that is a lot easier for all staff to understand and follow. Crucially he helped build in accountability into each part of the role to help us get our staff to take responsibility for their own roles.
Aled Davies
Sales Director